
Immunoglobulins are protein molecules that circulate in the blood, looking for foreign substances, such as viruses and bacteria, and marking them for elimination. White blood cells continue to produce immunoglobulins in the body, so they can also “remember” that foreign organism, and when the same pathogen enters the body again in the future, it will be recognized, antibodies will be produced quickly, and it will be eliminated. IgG is the most abundant immunoglobulin in the blood, and the first responder to any foreign invasion. When IgG levels are lower than normal, it means that a person may have a weak immune system, and may not be able to fight off infections as well.


Children are one of the age groups that need the most immune system support. Because they are exposed to many pathogens from the outside and their immune system is still developing. Therefore, Vitasy Advance IgG has been specially developed to meet the required dosage of this important protein. It comes in the form of drops, making it easy to use especially for your little ones.


Our product is tested for purity and potency, is gluten-free, and contains no harmful additives.



Each daily dose contains: IgG immunoglobulin



Maintaining the balance of the immune system and supporting its function.

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